🤩What make Unpredictable DAO stand out?

Problems with existing solutions

  • Relying on dynamic properties of the blockchain: A common naive solution that developers would think of is to rely on changing attributes from the blockchain such as blocks’ data (timestamp, hash, etc) or dynamic state properties like balances. These approaches would often make the result in favor of block producers, since they can change block’s data easily, and they can manipulate transactions’ order to gain state changes that would give out the “random” result they prefer.

  • Using VRFs from oracles: One of the most preferred solutions is to use centralized services that provide randomness for smart contracts, notably Chainlink VRFs. The problem with this approach is pretty clear, operators from the oracle can easily manipulate the randomness given.

How Unpredictable DAO differs

  • Unpredictable DAO requires 2 rounds to create a random number, with the first round used to submit masks of real values, so block producers can not pre-calculate the random number, and the second round revealing the submitted values but with a time delay to render block producers’ censorship obsolete. Overall, Unpredictable DAO can not be manipulated by block producers like the first solution mentioned.

  • Unpredictable DAO’s random number generator is decentralized with many participants joining to create a random number, whereas something like Chainlink VRFs is controlled by a small set of node operators.

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